Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

lesson plan about procedure text

School                : SMPN 2 Gianyar
Subject               : English
Class/Semester   : IX/I
Topic                  : Procedure Text
Skill                    : Writing 
 Time allotment   : 2 x 40 minutes

A. Core Competence
KI 1        : Appreciating and involving religious believed
KI 2      : Appreciating and involving honestly, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerance, help each other)
KI 3     : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his/her curiousity  about science, technology, arts, culture related phenomena and real events.
KI 4    : Trying, processing and presenting various things in the realm of concrete (using, parsing,  composing, modifying, and creating) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing and composing) in accordance with the learned in school and from other sources in the same point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competence and Indicator
1.1.   Being grateful for the opportunity in learning English as an international language of communication which is realized in the learning spirit.
      3.7 Applying text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the procedure with the social function of the text stating and asking about recipes and manuals, short and simple.
                1. Understanding text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the procedure

           4.7 Catching the meaning of the text procedures, oral and written, recipes and manually
                 shaped, short and simple.
1. Finding the meaning of procedure text correctly.

           4.8 Arranging procedure texts, oral and written, short and simple, recipes and manually shaped, with attention to social functions, text structure and linguistic elements are correct and appropriate context.
                1. Making oral procedure texts, short and simple, recipes and manually shaped,
                    with attention to social functions, text structure and linguistic elements correctly
                    and in appropriate context.

C. Learning Objective
  1. During the teaching learning process, students indicating responsibility, caring behavior, teamwork, and loving peace in doing functional commucation which is getting consistent between the student and teacher and his friend.
  2. When the students are given text about procedure text, they are able to find the social function, text structure, language features, and the meaning of procedure text contextually.
  3. After students are finding the social function, text structure, language feature, and the meaning of procedure text they are able to write procedure text based on social function, text structure, and language feature correctly and contextually.

D. Learning Material
Taken from Internet
Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
1.      Social function
 To describe how something is done. Procedure helps us do a task or make something.
2.       The structure of the text
  • Goal/aim ( or title) such as, how to make a glass of milk, how to make a cup of tea, etc.
  • Materials (it is contains of the materials that used in the process) such as, a glass, a cup,   etc.
  • Steps (the actions that must be taken) such as, First, boil water. Second, put some tea on into a cup. Second, put some tea on into a cup, etc.
3.     Language features of procedure text     
  • Simple present tenses. And:
  • Use of action verbs (e.g.: turn, put, mix)
  • Use of connectives (e.g. : first, then, finally, …) 
  • Use of adverbial phrases (e.g. : for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)
4.      Example of procedure text
   How to make a cup of tea
– hot water
– tea
– sugar
– glass/cup
1. First, prepare all the materials
2. Then, boil the water
3. Third, put the tea and sugar into the glass
4. Next, pour hot water into the glass
5. Then, stir the sugar, tea, and hot water at once until the sugar dissolves and the water becomes hard brown
6. Finally, the tea is ready to serve


E. Learning Method
     Think Pair Share
 F. Media, Tool, and Source of Learning

Media                        : pictures and procedure text
Supporting facilities    : Laptop, LCD, Whiteboard, and Boardmarker
Learning Source                 : Students’ Handbook

G. Teaching and Learning Process
A.    Learning Activity
a.      Pre-Activity (10 minutes)
In pre-activity, teacher:
1)      Enter the classroom and greets students friendly;
2)      checks students’ attendance;
3)      asks one of the students to lead the pray based on their own belief;
4)      Lead the students to the topic by showing pictures and give some questions.
5)      delivers the outline of the materials and explains about the activity which is going to be conducted.

b.     Whilst-Activity (55 minutes)
1)      Observing
In observing activity, teacher:
-       Invites students to analyze the paragraph; and
-       guides students to find the structure, social function and language feature of a procedure text.
2)      Questioning
In questioning activity, teacher:
-  Stimulates students to ask questions about what they do not know when they analyze the procedure paragraph; and
-       Facilitates and answer all of the students’ questions ( teacher answers students’ questions while explaining concept of procedure texts which are going to be learnt)
3)      Exploring and Associating
In exploring and associating activity, teacher:
-   asks students to explore about procedure text from book and online if the internet access is available;
-  asks students to make a procedure simply based on the title that have given (think)
- asks them to discuss about the procedure text and exchange information about what they have already made about procedure text (pair)

4)      Communicating
In communicating activity, teacher:
-       Ask one group to read their work that they have made in front of the class; (Share)
-       asks other students to give attention to their friends’ work;
-       facilitates the students’ obstacle by giving clear explanation (if students make any mistakes);

c.       Post-Activity (15 minutes)
In post-activity, teacher:
1)     and students conclude teaching and learning process;
2)     and students identify obstacles which are faced during the teaching learning process (reflection);
3)     gives feedback and reinforcement on students’ statements about their obstacles that are faced;
4)     gives an assessment (assessment sheet of students performance)

H. Assessment
a.       Technique : Written Test
b.      Form          : Identifying and Writing a Procedure Paragraph
c.       Instrument : See ‘Table of Specification of Assessment Sheet

Assessment Table

Basic Competence
Scoring Procedure
Behavior Observation
Behavior Observation Sheet
Written test
Assessment sheet
Written test
Assessment Sheet

Denpasar, 6th April2015
English Teacher,

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